Feilding Baptist Church

Te Haahi Iriiri o Aorangi


March Mondays with Mick #2 - 8/3/21

Hi there

Thanks for turning up to hear Mick again last week.  Even some new faces! 

What seemed to get people talking was Mick's six 'work ons' for New Zealand churches:
1.  Self feeding - praying and reading
2.  Interpersonal relationships, don't take sides
3.  Strangers and neighbours - who do we know?
4.  Buildings - are we beige and bland?
5.  Old people - weaponising their age
6.  Sunday worship - controversial or predictable? 

Ok, we can take each of these to an extreme. Here's a pic of the inside of front of a church auditorium in Spain, both sides of the auditorium were also the same, floor to ceiling gold! 

I think Mick was saying, and maybe we should check tonight, once we make a decision to follow Jesus, how are we to be?  How will we walk with Jesus together?

The John Wesley challenge was uncomfortable, something like,
'if you want to know the Gospel, come and look at us'.

Looking forward to part 3


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